




Hit a home run – to be very successful 本垒打,非常成功

A ball park figure – an estimate 预计,估计

Strike out – to fail 失败

Batting a thousand – maintaining a perfect record 保持非常良好的记录

Play hardball – use extreme measures to ensure success 为确保成功,使用极端的方式。有一本畅销书叫 Hardball,中文翻译为《硬球》。

Go to bat for someone – to aid or support someone 支持或帮助某人

Throw a curve ball – to do something unexpected 做出人意料的事

Touch base – to communicate brief** with someone 和某人做简单沟通

To have two strikes – to have the odds against you 处于不利地位

On the ball – very aware, responsible, and intelligent 非常有意识,负责任,聪明


Sam grew up in a very poor fami** and wanted to go to college, but he already had two strikes against him because he couldn't speak English very well and he had to work to help his fami**. After striking out as a chef, he hoped he would hit a home run as a car sale**an.

Sam did some research to get a ball park figure of how much he could earn and learned that if he real** played hardball he could make over $100,00.00 a year. He asked his friend Paul, who worked at a car dealership, to go to bat for him and set up an interview with the owner. Paul knew that Sam was real** on the ball and would make a great sale**an.

During the interview, the owner threw Sam a curveball and told him he would have to improve his English at Mr. Pancake's English Class before he could start working.

Two weeks later, Sam started selling cars and batted a thousand on his first day by selling a car to everyone he spoke to. Sam continues to touch base with all of his customers and enjoy the success that comes with being a fluent English speaker.​​​​

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