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This week‘s TE headline hightlights and reading recommended选自-2021-0703-TE☺阅读建议➤Cover StoryThe real risk to American‘s democracyPartisan election administration is a greater worry than voter suppression美国民主的真正风险原文选段excerptHAVING CAMPAIGNED for the presidency on a promise to rejuvenate democracy around the world, Joe Biden finds himself in a battle to defend it at home. In June, 200 prominent American scholars of democracy signed a letter warning that changes to state laws are “transforming several states into political systems that no longer meet the minimum conditions for free and fair elections”. Another longtime student of American democracy, the Republican leader in the Senate, Mitch McConnell, said in January that if an election could be overturned by fact-free allegations from the losing side, “Our democracy would enter a death spiral.” Yet that is just what his party is facilitating. ..▷助读笔记*rejuverate-give new energy or vigour to; revitalize*overturn-topple over*fact-free allegations-a claim or assertion that someone has done something illegal or wrong, typical** one made without prooffact-free,not base on fact*facilitate-make easy*death spirial-spiralling downward path taken by an aircraft that is out of contro-used in reference to a rapid** worsening situation, typical** one that ends in disaster竞选时声称要重新激活全球民主进程的拜登后院起火,不得不先在自己家门口迎来一场恶战. 200个民主学者联名发出警告信称几个州法律的更改让它们不再满足自由公平选举的最低准入门槛;共和党的参议院领导人Mitch McConnell曾信誓旦旦宣称如果选举能被失败方以毫无事实根据的指证推翻,民主将会无可救药。而他的政党却正在助长这种行为.


A new term for opting out of the rat race has become popular, and controversial躺平被年轻人激烈争论


TWO VEGETARIAN meals each day. A month** budget of 200 yuan ($30). Working just one or two months a year. In April an internet user posted this brief description of his simple, stress-free life. He described his philosophy as tangping, or “**ing flat”. “I can be like Diogenes, who slept in his wine cask in the sun,” he wrote. He included a photo of himself doing an appropriate job: playing a corpse in a film…


*opt-out-say no

*Diogene-第欧根尼,古希腊哲学家,强调 禁欲主义 的自我满足,鼓励放弃舒适环境。作为一个苦行主义的身体力行者,他居住在一只cask(木桶)内,过着乞丐一样的生活。他的哲学被叫做“ 犬儒主义 ”(Cynici**)

➤United States

UFOs, the truth is not out there

America’s government comes clean on UFOs

The Pentagon has no idea what its pilots are seeing



BETWEEN 2004 and 2021, American military pilots registered 144 reports of unidentified aerial phenomena (UAPs), the government’s po-faced term for UFOs. One turned out to be a large deflating balloon. The others are a mystery. So concluded a long-awaited report published on June 25th by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI), which co-ordinates the work of American intelligence agencies. The nine-page “preliminary asses**ent” was the result of pressure from Congress. In June last year the Senate’s intelligence committee, then chaired by Marco Rubio, a Republican senator from Florida, asked the Department of Defence to create a UAP Task Force to streamline the collection of reports. In January it was given six months to publish its findings…


*po-faced term

humourless and disapproving term

*deflating balloon

Deflate-air or gas out


Big tech and antitrust

Is Facebook a monopolist?

judge rules there is no simple answer



AT LAST, IT’S happening. Or so big tech’s critics thought. President Joe Biden has named one of their own, Lina Khan, to head the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). A Congressional committee has approved six bills to rein in Alphabet, Amazon, Apple and Facebook. Then, on June 28th, a federal judge provided a heavy dose of reali** by summari** di**issing two antitrust cases against Facebook…


*a heavy dose of reali**


the doctrine that the law is better understood by ana**sis of judges rather than the judgements given: modern jurists have tended to underestimate the scope of American legal reali**.

➤Books and Arts

The future of war-computer says go

A thought-provoking reflection on how AI will change conflict

Algorithms may make proficient soldiers but poor generals


I, Warbot. By Kenneth Payne. Oxford University Press; 336 pages; $29.95. Hurst; £20


THE UN’S Panel of Experts on Libya rare** grabs the headlines. But its valedictory report in March caused a furore. It noted that in a battle around Tripoli last year, Libya’s government had “hunted down and remote** engaged” the enemy with drones—and not just any drones. The Kargu-2 was programmed to attack “without requiring data connectivity between the operator and the munition”. The implication was that it could pick its own targets….


*Valedictory-farewell address

*Furore-an outbreak of public anger or excitement


Running as religion

Milkha Singh

India’s champion sprinter, known as “The F**ing Sikh”



BEFORE HIS best race, at the British Empire and Commonwealth Games in Cardiff in 1958, Milkha Singh was under far too much stress to sleep. That day he prayed, touched his forehead to the ground and promised to do his best; but the honour of India, he told God, was in His hands. This was, after all, the new India, independent of Britain for on** a decade, striving to win gold in games where, as a part of empire, it had never done before.

….for him, running was not a sport. It was everything, his religion, his beloved, life…



-to devote serious effort or energy

-to struggle in opposition

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